Oct 19, 20202 min

Day 364: Hard Work

The world does not happen to us. The result of everything in our life is based on the decisions we make. Of course, there are things in life that happen to others and around us that we cannot control. But we do control our reactions to the world. We are able to make decisions every moment of every day that affects where and what we are going to do. The karma of the universe helps bring in the energies we push out. The world is a giant machine with innumerable moving parts that function through free will. Yet it finds a way to balance it all. As the saying goes, we reap what we sow. That means we get back from the world what we put into. If there is anything that I have learned from this past year, it is that. Working hard over a long period of time will get you everything you need in life. But it takes patience and perseverance.

I like to think of my goals as wooden statues. I am not a woodworker but I can imagine that it takes a lot of time to create something of quality. But each little whittle is a step towards the big goal. That is the same for anything we want in life. This experiment is the perfect example of that whittling. Some cuts were easier than others and not all cuts were pretty. But after one year, I can say that I have written every day and have produced nearly 365 pieces of writing. I haven't counted, but I am guessing that I have written close to fifty poems this year. That is something that I can be proud of and put up on the shelf.

It took me a long time to appreciate the value of working hard towards a single goal. I didn't realize what it took to get the best things in life. I still want to learn the guitar and piano, but I know it will take daily practice just like my writing. Everything that I have now that I didn't have a year ago is the result of years of hard work and staying focused on the things I wanted. Moving forward, I hope I can keep up this positive mentality and continue to accomplish my dreams.

Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay
